To Reason Why

by Malcolm Alexander

6x 9, 148 pages, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9837143-0-9

Price $19.95

For some fifty years now I have been a visual artist. For me this seems a long time to keep the creative juices flowing. There have been periods of intense creativity, and periods when the well has seemed to run dry and was in need of time to refill itself. I have learned that during these periods of drought, it is possible to remain creative by seeking other forms of creativity. For this reason, I have pursued music and writing. For the past several years I had little or no desire to sculpt, but have experienced a constant desire to write, to record experiences I have had in my life. So perhaps it is time to tell my story, knowing that an autobiography is the invention of a character.
When given a choice of elements and composition, you may think a layman might not know how to choose harmony and an artist would. But most people instinctively choose the security of harmony. An artist will choose chaos so that one can bring a new order and harmony to it. Such has been my life.


The book is available directly from the author.

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