Saylor's Triangle

by Craig Bieber

5.5 x 8.5, 164 pg, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9801869-0-1

Price $19.95

Nick and Beth Saylor built the family business into one of the largest corporations in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. Nick is a wealthy man when he leaves Alaska to semi-retire on the island of Maui. Younger sister Beth is left in Seattle as president of the company, and ex-husband, Devon, becomes the manager who heads the Alaska business down a path of destruction with his affinity for criminals, loose women and dirty money. Soon Nick is drawn back into the business by the mystical warnings of a kapuna friend in Maui, and an Alaska Native spiritual leader.

Beth and Nick race Mexican drug cartel members, deranged killers for hire, would be terrorists, law enforcement agents, and a drug dealer from Alaska to Seattle, as they scramble to save themselves, their company, and a huge slice of humanity.

Author, Craig Bieber, was born, raised, and educated in South Dakota, at a time when imagination, dreams, and literature were the windows to the world. After nearly 40 adventurous years in Alaska, he wrote Saylor’s Triangle, fulfilling a lifelong dream.


The book is available at several booksores in Southern Arizona and directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at or go to the website at


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