My Psychic Search

Discovering what psychics do, what psychics know, and how they can help us improve our lives

by Gail Kushner

7.5 x 9.25, 358 pages, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9848396-0-5

Price $24.95

What would happen if you asked 20 psychics the same question? What if you asked about their invisible information sources, about life, love or how the Universe works? How does information come to them? Are psychic abilities real? For this Project, more than 20 psychics, intuitives, readers and healers were asked about their life and their work. Their answers are fascinating and reveal a universe of energetic connections. When you open this book, you open a world of ideas which can help you live a more fulfilling life.

Gail Kushner is an artist, a scientist and a person who has always been fascinated by psychic abilities. She lives in Tucson, Arizona.


The Psychics say:

“At this pivotal point for humanity, My Psychic Search is a breath of fresh air. Love and Light are available to every person who seeks with an open heart.” - Delphina Nova

“We are here on Earth to experience things and the sooner we experience them, the faster we can move to the next thing we get to experience. But we spend a lot of time going in circles.” - Gina Stanfill

“People have a destiny, but they also have free will.” - Cynthia Rae

“There are a lot of things that you can do to change the future. You can turn situations around.” - Cherie Fraine

“I believe we are on the brink. We are at the 11th hour on our planet. We have a choice about how we are going to conduct our lives, how we are going to treat each other, and how we are going to take care of the environment. I believe that in the blink of an eye we will choose love.” - Delphina Nova

“This is the lifetime we have all been waiting for.” Gigi Sample


The book is available directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at


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