A Small Stack of Coppers

by Esther Eastvold Alcorn

6 x 9, 148 pg, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9794368-2-6

Price $15.00

Tucson physician/poet Esther Eastvold Alcorn is retired from medical practice. Kinships, published in 1999, was her first book of poems. The Fish Fry, Earth Calls Her Children and A Small Stack Of Coppers are collections of her more recent works.

Everyone has a world-House. This volume considers what might be in it, as well as some travel moments, a child’s recollections and the raising of sons in a long marriage.

Alcorn received a degree in zoology from the University of California in Berkeley and her medical degree from the University of California Medical School in San Francisco. She practiced medicine in Tucson for nearly 40 years.

“Esther’s poems recollecting early married life, studying to become a doctor, and ultimately accepting widowhood are in the voice of one who observes deeply and communicates a tenderness toward life, whether as doctor, wife, mother or human being.”
“Lovely poems.”
-Sheila Bender, author of several volumes of poems and books on how to write poetry

Here are some other comments
from Esther Alcorn’s readers.

“She takes me to places I’ve never been.”
“When I read her poems, I see the world in new ways.”
“I put a favorite on my mirror to remind me of it every day.”


The book is available directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at ghostriverimages.com

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