Arizona in the 50s

Captain James H. Tevis

Edited by Betty Barr and Dr. William Kelly

7.5 x 9.25, 136 pg, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9790261-1-9

Price $25.00

Exciting Adventures

Captain James H. Tevis arrived in the Territory in 1857 as a fearless young adventurer. He traveled with Kit Carson’s brother, Mose, fought the Indians with the soldiers from Ft. Buchanan and survived capture and torture by the mighty warrior, Cochise. He is generally regarded as one of the few people to record first-hand accounts of what the never-photographed Apache chief really looked like.

Share Tevis’ adventures as he travels across southern Arizona from the missions at Tubac to the Overland Butterfield Stage Stop in Apache Pass and east to Pinos Altos in New Mexico Territory, where he was appointed as the first Arizona Ranger and charged with forming a troop to protect the settlers from attacks by the Apaches.

Tevis joined the Confederacy during the Civil War and left Arizona for more than 20 years, but he never lost his longing to return to the scene of his youthful adventures. He came back to the Territory in the 1880s and founded Teviston, now known as Bowie, AZ, near the site of the old Butterfield Station where he had served as the station manager so many years previously.

Watch for the sequel to “Arizona in the ‘50s”

“Captain Tevis Returns to Arizona,” is based on Tevis’ private journals, never before made public, and describes his life upon his return to Arizona after the Civil War. His memoirs provide eyewitness accounts of the last days of the 19th century as Arizona struggled to lose its reputation as a wild and wooly outpost and gain statehood.

Tevis continued to fight the Apaches, brushed shoulders with outlaws Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday, formed a mining district, represented the Territory as Commissioner of the Mineral Display at the Louisiana Exposition in New Orleans and served as a member of the Fifteenth Arizona Territorial Legislature.



The book is available at many fine bookstores in Southern Arizona and directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at


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