Hidden Treasures of Santa Cruz County

by Betty Barr

7.5 x 9.25, 288 pg, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9790261-1-9

Price $25.00

About the author

Betty Barr is an award-winning journalist who specializes in uncovering hidden treasures - the people, places and things unique to southeastern Arizona. Her work has appeared in numerous publications including Arizona Highways, Western Horseman, Range Magazine, Arizona Quarter Horse News, and Discover Southern Arizona Magazine. She is also a regular contributor to the Nogales International/Bulletin newspapers. Her chronicles of the history of the legendary Empire Ranch south of Tucson were adapted as a promotional piece by the Bureau of Land Management and the Empire Ranch Foundation and used as a historical handout at the annual Empire Ranch Roundup and Western Art Show in September 2004.

Barr, a University of Arizona graduate, moved to horse property in Sonoita with her husband John in 1997. There she has realized her lifelong dream to travel the back roads of Santa Cruz County and interview old-timers and descendants of the early settlers.

“Thanks to Betty’s keen curiosity and hard labor some of the histories of the early Santa Cruz settlers have been captured so we can all enjoy them...because of that effort, while the wooden corrals dissolve to dust and the adobe returns to the earth, these stories will live on,” says author, Sinclair Browning in her Introduction to “Hidden Treasures.”

Browning is the author of Enju, about the Aravaipa Apaches, and Lyons on Horses, as well as the Trade Ellis southwestern mystery series. She is a member of Western Writers of America and the Authors Guild.


The book is available at many fine bookstores in Southern Arizona and directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at www.brockingjbooks.com


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