Sweet and Sour

Life as I have Tasted It

by Mary Farr Bartol

5.5 x 8.5, 72 pg, soft cover

ISBN pending

Price ??

This collection of essays is a little mosaic of my life. I have long wanted to put them in one place for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. And now I have. Yes, life can be sweet but it has its sour edges, too, as you will see.
We take life in little morsels with a dash of this and a drop of that, a spoonful or a mouthful. And sometimes we just have to swallow what’s served-up!

One thing I learned: never take it bland. Add the salt, sprinkle the spice, pour the gravy and whip the cream! George and I sure did that, and look what great omelet’s we made!

To my family and my friends, here I am, Sweet and Sour!

– Mary Farr Bartol


The book is available directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at ghostriverimages.com


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