From the introduction–
He told us that most of the land in the Yukon Territory was owned by the government, and was usually referred to as the Queen’s land. He also said that a U S citizen could still stake out an acre of said land, rent it until he had constructed a suitable summer cabin, and then buy it from the government. He told us that there was a beautiful place to do this just across the river from his property. When the U S army engineers built the highway, they had used that spot for a camp site for quite a few people. Sandy and I thought it over for a while, and decided that it would be fun and challenging to try and build a summer cabin there. He took us across the river and helped us stake out an acre. Next morning we caught several grayling under the bridge, and then headed south after breakfast. The latter part of the summer had been dry, and the road was in excellent shape. We averaged sixty miles per hour all the way to the paving. From then on we had an uneventful trip home, arriving there the day before preliminary teachers’ meetings for the new school year. We were certainly glad that we had decided to drive to a Alaska.
Next summer we headed north again the day after school was out. We stopped at a city in southern Canada, and bought a fourteen foot aluminum boat, a cartop carrier, some oars, a Johnson ten horse motor, two gas tanks, a chain saw, several kinds of oil, a small Hudson Bay two bitted axe, and various and sundry other supplies. When we finally got everything loaded (we had quite a time getting the boat on top of the car), we headed north to Johnson’s Crossing, ready to start our summer project.
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