The Fun of Flying

by Frits Forrer

5 x 8, 412 pg, soft cover

ISBN 0-9714490-3-1

Price $19.95

"I could not put it down! Should be a bestseller! What a life you lived!"
–Edith Brewis, friend and critic.

"As a fellow F-84 driver, I can vouch for both accuracy and the flavor of Frits Forrer's recollection. For those who were there, it's a welcome reminiscence. For those who weren't, it's a rare insider's look at the thrills, chills and the fighter pilot mystique. I heartily recommend it".
–Massey Lambard, USAF F-84 and TWA pilot and freelance journalist.

"Having read Frits Forrer's wonderful book, Five Years Under The Swastika: Through A Child Eye I didn't think it was possible for him to write a second first person account of his life with the same wit and compassion. In The Fun Of Flying aviators of any service will instantly recognize Frits Forrer. He is the guy that always pushes the envelope, whether it's in the sky, the parade field or the barroom. This is simply a terrific book!"
–Art Giberson, Author of Photojournalist, Eyes Of The Fleet and Blue Ghost


The book is available directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at or
Fax 850—916 1861


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