In To Judge to Not to Judge Frits Forrer has
once again written a nail biting , page turning novel guaranteed to
keep readers on the edge of their seat, fearful they may miss one of
the many plots and turns that makes To Judge or Not to Judge one of
the best mystery novels to come along since Mickey Spillane’s
1950 best seller, VENGEANCE IS MINE!
–Art Giberson. Author of Eyes of the Fleet, Through the Viewfinder
As a career military pilot and a devout Muslim, I abhor
terrorism and the killing of innocent women and children. I therefore
enjoyed Frits’ book immensely.
This is one of the most interesting stories I’ve
come across in a long time. It is easy flowing, kept me anxiously
looking for the next event. You start… you can’t stop
until you finish reading. Just like a moving picture in your mind. Outstandingly
told and written.
–Abdallah Bawaneh, Maj. General (ret.) Royal Jordanian Air Force
Gulf Shores Al.
The book is available directly from
the author.
For more information, or to order copies
of the book, please contact the author at
Fax 850—916 1861