A well written, pretty accurate account of the Florida
Prison system as experienced in Century Correctional Institution,
which at the time was a developing Institution.
–Jerome DeLisle, Colonel, Chief of Security C.C.I., 1995-2002
“This is one of the best descriptions
of what not to do if you ever have the misfortune of being on the
wrong end of any criminal justice system. Forewarned is forearmed.”
–Cas Dunlap, Former Texas Criminal Court Judge
Tampa Justice, No Money, No Justice delivers
a gut-wrenching, eye-opening, behind the scenes view of the Florida
justice system and the nightmare the system can create for innocent
citizens when even the most trivial case falls into the hands of
uncaring, corrupt or incompetent attorneys, prosecutors and judges.
A chilling story that should be read by everyone who
is concerned about a justice system gone astray. Highly recommended.
–Art Giberson, Author of Eyes Of The Fleet and Century
of War