
by Mel Hector

Illustrated by Annie Nyhan

8 x 10, 58 pg, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9789457-0-1

Price $11.95

Ready or not, life has a way of growing us up. Whether you are big or little, fast or slow, aware or oblivious, growth means life for all of us. Alphabedders celebrates our diversity, our differences, our interdependence, our struggles, and our own special place.

Alphabedders is about nature, survival, relative values, and coexistence with the human species. Join us in a world where we see what a mixture of places and creatures can teach us about ourselves. From anteaters to zebras and much in between, let's see what we can find to understand in the world of the—possibly—underappreciated, the world of Alphabedders.


The book is available directly from the author.

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