
by Mel Hector

8.5 x 11, 64 pages, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9789457-1-8

Price $11.95

Arizona offers an amazing diversity of animal species that accommodate to the rigorous demands of life in the Sonoran Desert. Alphazoners elaborate on this reality. This is the second in a series of alphabetically arranged books on issues of nature, survival and coexistence that began with Alphabedders, Nighttime Poetry for the Young and Underappreciated.

Have fun with us and explore some of the creatures that inhabit a very special place – our Southwestern desert lands. Surviving is a tough business but these creatures have rigorously adapted. Any willingness to learn about their challenges will make these animals more appreciated and better understood. In the spirit of using the entire alphabet of animals again, let the names begin!


The book is available at Borders, University of Arizona Bookstore, Jonathan's Educational Resources, Antigone Books,, Google and Barnes and, and directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at


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