The Dilettante Diva

by Barry S. Hirsch

5.5 x 8.5, 394 pages, hardcover with jacket

ISBN 978-0-9801811-3-5

Price $19.95

In his fourth novel, THE DILETTANTE DIVA, Barry S. Hirsch explores the feelings of two first cousins as each approaches her fiftieth birthday.

Marian Hertz bar Raphael is an American-Israeli painter who includes among her portraitures the woman President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Israel. One of her paintings is entitled, THE DILETTANTE DIVA.

Elizabeth Tucker is a soap opera veteran and Academy Award winning actress. Among her adventures is a seduction at the hands of an Arabian “sheik” who demands complete control over her life and threatens consequences if she attempts to regain her freedom. One of her most widely acclaimed films is entitled, THE DILETTANTE DIVA, COUNTERFEIT DABBLER.

In addition to painting, Marian is a surrogate mother to her late sister’s children. She is affectionately called, “Aunt Mommy Mary.”

In addition to acting, Elizabeth tries to be a single mother to two very diametrically opposed sons. Like the sons in Shaw’s RICH MAN, POOR MAN, one suffers an ignominious end.

In the part entitled, PICTURE THIS, Hirsch has created a literary family photo album which highlights the accomplishments of a female marathoner who maximizes her attributes, of a successful college football coach’s wife, and of a heroic life saving educational administrator. One of his character portraits is that of a United States Senator while yet another is that of a famed biblical scholar. The most detailed section of the photo album is that which traces the growth and development of Elizabeth’s more artistically gifted, poetry writing son. Readers are invited to turn the album pages carefully and study each of the snapshots and select their favorites.


The book is available directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact Ghost River at


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