Celtic Fire, Desert Rain

by Jude Johnson

6 x 9, 272 pg, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9762469-1-6

Price $16.00

Welshman Evan Jones thought his worries were over once he’d won his fortune in 1884, married his beloved Mexican curandera, Reyna, and started horse ranching near Tombstone. But his past soon comes knocking, and secrets kept with the best of intentions threaten to tear his marriage and his life apart. Someone is sending ransom notes, and Evan sees no alternative but to cooperate. Desperate to protect the woman he loves, Evan finds that the biggest secret of all could wind up costing the ultimate price.



The book is available from scorchedhawkpress.com and directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at scorchedhawk@aol.com.


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