In the early 1950’s The Colorado Game and Fish Department
employed about 65 game wardens; on the average one per county. These
state officers had the full power of sheriffs and constables in the
performance of their duty. They wore a uniform of forest green twill,
kaki shirt and tan tie, a large silver badge, western boots and a light
San Fran hat. The game wardens’ vehicle was usually a green pickup
truck with the state seal on the doors and a red spotlight on the left
side. Probably they were some of the first users of bed mounted toolboxes
and rifle racks.
Whether or not it was intentional they were the only state
officers that had state police powers across the state at that time.
Consequently, they were an integral part of the law enforcement establishment.
It was a time for shifting of emphasis from law enforcement to game
management. Some of the older officers were concerned mostly with law
enforcement but held in high esteem their responsibilities for wildlife
management. Some of the younger officers were well trained in wildlife
management but had to learn how important the law enforcement part of
their job was. Most western states had similar warden forces. This book
and its predecessor “Justice at Timberline” are dedicated
to those officers.
The book is available directly from
the author.
For more information, or to order copies
of the book, please contact the author at