Justice at Timberline

by Richard M. Kerr

5.5 x 8.5, 236 pg, soft cover

ISBN 0-9723561-1-8

Price $14.95

Richard Kerr is a certified wildlife biologist. He holds a B.S. degree from The Ohio State University and did graduate work at Colorado State University (Colorado A and M). He worked for the Colorado State University, The Colorado Game and Fish Department and the Bureau of Land Management. He taught wildlife subjects at several colleges and was Adjunct Assistant Professor of Fisheries and Wildlife Science at New Mexico State University. He received awards from Rocky Mountain States, The Wildlife Society and The Department of the Interior.

As District Game Warden he was the first to be assigned to the Lake City area in 1953. Later as B.L.M. Range Manager he was assigned responsibilities for the area. Lake City, Colorado lies in the heart of the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. Spaniards, precious metal and Indian lore are part of Lake City's history and mystique. Although there are different people and places the lure and mystery of Lake City remains, as does the enchanting high-country of Colorado.


The book is available directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at ghostriverimages.com.


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