Murder by Electrocution

by David V. MacCollum

6 x 6, 264 pages, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9830743-0-4

Price $20.00

David V. MacCollum is a licensed, professional engineer in Arizona and California. Early in his career, he became known as a leader in the prevention of construction injuries and death by removing the hazardous conditions that caused those deaths, developing alternate safer designs, or safety accessories.


Praise for Murder by Electrocution

“Approximately four construction workers are killed every day in the U.S., but for some reason there is little public outrage. David MacCollum, long a champion of injury prevention by design, brings to life the challenges workers face in dangerous jobs. We know how to prevent most of these deaths. MacCollum creates a story that makes us care.”
-James Platner, PhD, CIH Associate Director of the CPWR Center for Construction Research and Training, Crystal Springs, Maryland

“Anyone who has encountered opposition when trying to improve the safety culture by including design-based-safety must read this book. It tells safety professionals what they need to hear not what they would like to hear.”
-T. J. Lyons, CSP, Warwick, New York

“This story is amazing as it tells how hazards can be eliminated with foresight and engineering.”
-Bob Topping, Ed.D. Director of Industry Partnerships, Chemeketa Center Salem, Oregon

“Dave MacCollum has written a very convincing story clearly addressing design-based hazard elimination as a more preferable solution over error prone human behavior.”
-Dave Efnor, P.E., CSP Mining Engineer, Tucson, Arizona


The book is available directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at


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