Can small town Vicki Harbison, a Karate expert and former
drug slueth, now with Quad City Detective Agency, assigned to locate
the murderer of Laralee Van Am, killed on her wedding day at the Church
of the New Faith, really succeed? Can she follow her vow to crush every
criminal to assuage the hurt that led her into detective work?
It’s in doubt when she dreams of a home and family
as three eligible men capture her attention, stirring her passion for
Can the murder of Laralee, a successful recording artist, lead Vicki
to Brazil, and orphan boy, his dog, the race track, gambling and a pickup
truck? Is she more interested in finding love than in tracking down
criminals. Who and what new source of interest will beckon her?
She is the searcher. Searching to find criminals, love,
and the reasons for both. Can she choose between glamour and romance,
a foreign land, or someone from her home town, and still keep her career?
Yes, she realizes, she is facing a woman’s dilemma.
Writing mysteries for juveniles introduced Myrtle Nord
to publication.
She wrote for children’s magazines, gravitating
into adult fiction, nonfiction and stage plays. Recognized in Los Angeles
Reference Library for two award-winning dramas, she has had seven musicals
Included in anthologies on writing subjects by Harpers,
Multicultural Texts, Houghton-Mifflin, and in Writers Journal, she instructed
writing at College level.
Alone, she lives in Tucson, Arizona.
Her essays, poetry and mysteries are appearing locally
and nationally, all laced with humor and romance.
The book is available directly from
the author.
For more information, or to order copies
of the book, please contact the author at