
A Collection of Short Stories

by Myrtle Nord

5.5 x 8.5, 164 pg, hard cover

ISBN 0-9778829-6-9

Price $20.00

Each of us has a different viewpoint.

As I wander through daily living, I wonder about people, news items, situations, and interactions at public and private gatherings. What do people do? What makes them tick? Why do they act as they do? Life can be a puzzlement.

When my imagination shifts into overdrive, I try to weave what I see and hear into a story, none of which are real, except the foundations, based on kernels of truth.

When truth and fiction collide, it’s not a total wreck.

Writers try to explain, restore, or repair the strange things that happen to normal characters. The short story is a vehicle, summoned and expected to do just that. These are my views, designed to enlighten, instruct or amuse. That is the point of my writings.

VISIONS is another of my short story collections.

So come, enjoy and share with me your time, your space and your viewpoints.

I appreciate.



Reading short stories began when she started school.

Finishing the first story book she said to herself, “I can do that.” So she began.

She wrote made-up stories and sent them off with high hopes to every magazine she could learn about. After a bundle of rejections she said to herself, “How do they do that?”

It was then she began to analyze what made a story.

After twenty-three years of determined research and practice, she finally was recognized as a writer.
Since then her fiction and non-fiction has found acceptance in juvenile and adult magazines, anthologies, books, on stage with musicals and dramas and at recitals.

As a sort of professional amateur-amateur, her creative instincts led into hand crafts, sketching, painting, and into writing, producing and directing dinner theater productions, all the while enjoying the good life with husband, friends, family, a host of other writers and, she adds, readers and patrons of all ages. She is a long-time member of The National League of American Pen Women, The Society of Southwestern Authors and, again, currently listed In MARQUIS WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD, 24th edition, with more specifics in her books listed elsewhere in this copy and available from publisher, NIB Press.


The book is available directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at


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