
A Collection of Short Stories

by Myrtle Nord

5.5 x 8.5, 112 pg, hard cover

ISBN 0-9778829-5-0

Price $20.00

If truth is stranger than fiction, the reverse may also be true. This idea challenged my imagination since there is a flip-side to every maxim.

So, exploiting my muse, I visualized potential stories to fit incidents reported as news items, from common knowledge of events or personal experience.

With some embellishment, this collection, like all stories, puts a periscope on situations to mirror the mysteries of daily living. My imagined solutions are meant to entertain.

Some have been published, read at COFFEE HOUSE recitals, while others are prize winners. Putting these together may be self-serving, but hopefully they will amuse and pique your interest about the flip-side of life.


Myrtle Nord’s career in writing fiction began with juvenile stories, primarily for ages nine to fourteen. They dealt with seasonal and school activities. Some were serialized, all published in Sunday School ‘learning’ papers. None of these are included here nor are her adult romance/ethical and moral stories.

She writes in longhand, generally on newsprint, clean backs of solicitation letters or unlined typing paper.

Recently into Flash Fiction, one is included here as an example of this short-story category. Explicit in form, it requires a premise, a setting, action and solution in one hundred words or less.

Writing, she declares, is mental exercise; a profound activity that requires a writer to have the hide of a hippopotamus, particularly the posterior, and the patience needed to watch the grass grow.


The book is available directly from the author.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at


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