It's more than just swallowing a pill...
There are many things that can be done to help manage
the symptoms of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel. However;
finding a treatment that addresses the underlying cause has proven to
be much more difficult. Many people have found that the over-the-counter
medication, guaifenesin, is effective for actually reversing the symptoms
caused by these conditions. Guaifenesin can also reverse several other
conditions that are closely related to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue
and irritable bowel. Dr. Penniston calls the conditions that respond
to guaifenesin the Nonplus Conditions.
The ins and outs of using guaifenesin for treating the
Nonplus Conditions is explained. Though it's been derided as "the
cough syrup cure;' Dr. Penniston has found surprising evidence that
guaiac, guaifenesin's herbal cousin, was one of medicine's primary treatments
for rheumatic-type symptoms over 200 years ago. Success with hundreds
of his own patients as well as thousands of others worldwide have shown
that this ancient remedy deserves to be considered again.
Examining the different illnesses that make up the Nonplus
Conditions, this book also shows how they are surprisingly similar and
likely share the same underlying cause.
Gregory K. Penniston, D.C., is a chiropractor
and applied kinesiologist who has been in private practice in Tucson,
Arizona since 1982.
The book is available directly from
the author.
For more information, or to order copies
of the book, please contact the author at