“It was an effort to write a book that deals with concern for survival while maintaining integrity, self-esteem, love and compassion for others, loyalty and dedication to working hard to achieve one’s goals.”
~From the Foreword
Donald Wayne Richards grew up during the depression, providing him unique insights into the hearts and souls of individuals who lived through those tough times. His memories of that era enrich the characters of this novel. Donald currently resides in Tucson, Arizona where his family moved in the 1930’s. As with many young men and women he served in the military in World War II. After coming home in 1946 and adjusting to civilian life he began a thirty-nine year career in municipal government. During those years he had written a number of associated technical articles and system analysis reports. However, such efforts offered little opportunity to explore one’s inner feelings about people and life’s challenges. Donald wanted to write a book; Call Me Elmer is a response to that desire. Another fiction novel is currently underway, with more in the planning stage.
The book is available directly from the author.
For more information, or to order copies
of the book, please contact the author at callmeelmer@cox.net