Dying to Read

Mark R. Sneller

5.5 x 8.5, 346 pg, soft cover

ISBN 978-0-9741131-3-5

Price $13.95

“Welcome to the world of the fungi and the molds. They can poison you to death or cure you. They can grow on you and in you. They can make you sneeze or bring down a building. They can cure whatever ails you or get you burned at the stake. They make bread and alcohol and at the same time destroy billions of dollars of crops each year. Do not underestimate them.”

A terrible sickness awaits those who read certain newspapers and magazines. The ink holds aflatoxin, a deadly poison that was extracted from a mold. Many children and pets of the readers become affected when they get touched by those who handle the print items.
Mold expert and professor, Jeffrey Shenero, gets pulled into a diabolical and original plot designed and carried out by terrorists. Countless persons are threatened and many have died.
An epidemic and national panic ensue as Shenero and his mathematician friend, Paul Anderson, stumble onto the truth and the nature of the plot. Attempts are made by members of the U.S. Government, who are working in concert with the terrorists, to attempt to persuade Shenero and Anderson to think twice about revealing their findings.

In a fast-moving adventure full of eccentric characters the mold expert gets help from his brilliant graduate students and his intelligent and alluring secretary, Carmen.
Then, Jeff learns that poisonings by the terrorists are in progress in other aspects of American life, not only print ink, but in household products. Mass murder is planned, even as they come after him.

The settings are in Norman, Oklahoma and Tucson, Arizona.

The book is available directly from the author and at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

For more information, or to order copies of the book, please contact the author at mark@markrsneller.com or visit the website at www.markrsneller.com


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