The Magical Powers of Lazlo Pearce

Mark R. Sneller

3.5 x 6, 124 pg, soft cover

ISBN 0-9741131-2-3

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The Magical Powers of Lazlo Pearce is about a man who wanted to become a magician and found out that he really did possess magical powers. This fantasy tale is about how Lazlo, who has a penchant the “sleight of hand” in business, and his lovely wife, Rachel, chart a course for his life so that he can use his powers constructively.

Mark Sneller holds a Doctorate in Microbiology with a specialization in Medical Mycology. He has written two additional books: A Breath of Fresh Air is a collection of his newspaper columns on indoor air quality, and Mold is a Four-Letter Word, a novel about a courtroom mold suit based on a true story.

Mark Sneller is the President of the Society of American Magicians (John E. Alexander Assembly #136, Tucson, Arizona) and past president of the Society of Southwestern Authors and a former member of Literacy Volunteers.



The book is available directly from the author.

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