Some stories and an excerpt from Time Zone
The Optimist: Two men share views on
the world – A complete story in less than 55 words
The Pirate: Having one bad eye was the least of his problems
– A complete story in less than 55 words
Bright Moon: An unknown being becomes lost in an unknown
Camp Counselor: A man returns from a trip to the stars and
brings back a surprise for his campers
The White Bird: A future genius tries to find the beginning
of everything
Sports Director: Athletics and politics compete in humanity’s
last stand
On Synchronized Swimming: An athlete finds that pain can have
sweet rewards (Society of Southwestern Authors Humor Award, annual short
story contest, 2002)
Split Times: Where the past meets the future, simultaneously
Telepathy School: Your basic telepathy school isn’t all
it’s cracked up to be
Complications: A mental patient takes on the aliens
who find that things aren’t as simple as they first believed
From Camp Counselor
Marty took a draw on his pipe. “If these unique
compact units of energy, such as our unnamed being, were perhaps freaks
created during creation. If they had been human, they might have wondered
why the management of time wasn’t handed over to some woman more
efficient than Miss Fickle Fate. For surely, to travel thusly, waiting
through time unmeasured for a world to land upon and to fulfill its
misbegotten destiny, gave the meaningless nature of death a meaning.
What could be crueler than to have survived a journey across the void,
only to cease existence because of some inherent universal randomness
and indifference? Would there be then any difference between life and
The book is available directly from
the author.
For more information, or to order copies
of the book, please contact the author at