From the Preface
The writer was inspired to research a pervasive, contemporary
issue, domestic violence, after losing a former high school student,
who later became her stepdaughter. This book reflects the expertise
and knowledge of the finest minds in the current field of domestic abuse,
comprising their major concepts, their contributions to science, and
their evaluations of a little-understood and pernicious, current issue.
Dr. Lenore E. Walker was on the psychiatry faculty of Rutgers Medical
School, was on the Colorado Women’s College faculty and was on
the faculty at the University of Denver School of Professional Psychology.
Currently she is a professor at Nova Southwestern University. She has
written 13 books in the field of psychology, including The Battered
Woman, now a classic. It is repeatedly quoted in other books on the
subject. Her other credentials are as long as a mountain climber’s
walking stick. She developed the Cycle Theory of Battering, which is
crucial to understanding domestic violence. Lundy Bancroft is a twenty-first
century psychotherapist, lecturer, author and activist on issues of
abuse. He specializes in male abusive behavior. He won the Pro-Humanitate
Literary Award for child welfare in 2004. Both are highly esteemed writers
in this relatively newly recognized facet of psychology. Other imminent
writers are cited, as well.
The issue of domestic abuse begs for the concern of society.
The physical, emotional and societal costs of battering must be reduced
and ultimately eliminated. This will permit a society to emerge free
from abusive partners and prevent the devastating emotional and physical
pain of millions. The number of deaths annually from the murder of spouses
or lovers, or in some cases suicide, represents a staggering loss. Vast
economic costs can also be saved. Astronomical costs are incurred annually
by police, courts, physicians and hospitals involved in the aftermath
of domestic abuse.
This book is intentionally brief so that it can be read
in one sitting, often a necessity in our fast-paced society. The focus
will be on the characteristics of the typical abuser, his perceptions,
his controlling techniques and the impact on his victim and society.
The writer will answer frequently asked questions. Two important ones
are: Why don’t more women just walk away from an abusive relationship?
Why do some men become batterers? The terms batterer and abuser will
be used interchangeably. It is beyond the scope of this paper to explore
sexual battering, although experts agree it is almost always present
in domestic abuse.
The writer’s hope is that the girls and women who
read this book will be enlightened about the truth of domestic abuse.
A general understanding of abusive behavior is necessary in order to
identify warning signs in a potential abuser. This may help prevent
future, undesirable relationships. For those women who have already
experienced abuse, my hope is that this research will help them gain
insights into abusive behavior—as well as into themselves—in
order to divorce themselves from the pain they are suffering. Some may
derive comfort by learning that they are not completely alone, that
many, many other women suffer along with them for some of the same reasons.
Learning that others have actually experienced what they have, may give
victims hope, courage and the strength to abandon their relationships.
The central point of this research will be male battering
of women. Domestic abuse affects women disproportionately. Female battering
of men, which is deplorable, exists, but it is primarily verbal abuse,
whereas women suffer from many forms of abuse—physical, economic,
social and generational, as well as psychological fear. Police reports
and court records indicate that 95 percent of violent incidents are
attributed to men.
For the record, this paper was not written from an anti-male
stance. Most moral, hard-working men share decision-making with their
intimate partners. These men spend the lion’s share of their time
providing for their families. They do not debase, demean or denigrate
their wives or significant others; they are truly gentle men. The writer’s
motive for researching and writing about the subject was simply to gain
an understanding of battering, the cause of domestic violence.
All kinds of battering, including female battering of
men, is morally indefensible and an insult to civilized society. When
this issue is better understood and dealt with, instead of being ignored
or regarded as a personal matter between a man and a woman, a better
world will prevail
The book is available directly from
the author.
For more information, or to order copies
of the book, please contact the author at