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Books prepared by Ghost River

Listed alphabetically by author



Genre / Subject
Echoes of a Love Story Adams Family History
Small Stack of Coppers, A Alcorn Poetry
Earth Calls Her Children Alcorn Poetry
Fish Fry, The Alcorn Poetry
To Reason Why Alexander Memoir
Black Jack Ketchum Aycock Local / Regional History
19th Century Wisconsin Writer Banks Biography
Arizona in the 50s Barr Local / Regional History
Hidden Treasures of Santa Cruz County Barr Local / Regional History
John Slaughter Kid, A Barr Local / Regional History
More Hidden Treasures of Santa Cruz County Barr Local / Regional History
Sweet and Sour Bartol Short Story Collection
Mischief on the Farm Beauchamp Childrens Book
Saylor's Triangle Bieber Fiction
Ed's Odyssey Boyles Memoir
Praise God for a Hurrah From Heaven Broyles Memoir
Praise God for Rice Roots Broyles Memoir
Gift, The Bueltmann Childrens Book
Little Mischief and a Lot of Love, A Bueltmann Childrens Book
Tortuga and Mariposa Campas Childrens Book
Thrashed Carlisi Memoir
Cloud Watchers coffey Childrens Book
Tasty Ideas From an Accidental Home Cook Dawson Cookbook
My Journey, So Far Drachman Memoir
Spilled Dry River Poets Poetry
Famous Fishing Adventures Estruth Memoir
Poems For My Lover Estruth Poetry
Wine in Ancient Lore and Legend Estruth Non-fiction
Ghost Writer Chronicles, The Farr Family History
Cabin Tales Fogarty Fiction
Chemistry Teacher, The Fogarty Fiction
Curse of the Black Mamba Forrer Fiction
Brothers, Forever Forrer Fiction
Five Years Under The Swastika Forrer Non-fiction
Smack Between The Eyes Forrer Fiction
Tampa Justice Forrer Non-fiction
Fun of Flying, The Forrer Memoir
Golden Pig, The Forrer Fiction
Suffering With A Smile Forrer Non-fiction
Thunderclouds Over America Forrer Fiction
To Judge or Not To Judge Forrer Fiction
Dark Radiance, A Gentzler Poetry
Gentle Rain, A Gentzler Poetry
Narrowing Gentzler Poetry
Adventures of Chester, The Graham Childrens Book
Chester Defeats the Lake Powell Monster Graham Childrens Book
Chester Saves the Aliens Graham Childrens Book
Birding the Santa Monica mountains Haigh Natural history
Ground Zero and Beyond Hanson Poetry
At the Sabre's Edge Hathaway Fiction
Treasures of the Sierra Madre Hathaway Fiction
Alphabedders Hector Childrens Book
Alphazoners Hector Childrens Book
Bats, Brawls and Babes Hirsch Fiction
Case of the Misogynic Model Murderer, The Hirsch Fiction
Daring Succeed, The Hirsch Fiction
Dilettante Diva, The Hirsch Fiction
Shooter in the Mall, A Hirsch Fiction
Tie That Binds, The Hirsch Fiction
Canadian Family, A Huestis Family History
Retired Hunt Humor / Cartoon Collection
HeartChild Irvin Childrens Book
Curious Kids and the Sioux River Bandits, The Jane Young Adult Fiction
64 Crayon Colors Johnson Memoir
Celtic Fire, Desert Rain Johnson Fiction
Dragon and Hawk Johnson Fiction
Dragon's Blood Johnson Fiction
World Was My Oyster, The Jones Memoir
Private War, Personal Victory Kantor Memoir
Preposition the Kitten Kazal Childrens Book
Growing Up In Mama's Club Kelly Memoir
Ride to Devil's Lake, A Kerr Mystery
Justice at Timberline Kerr Mystery
Secret Mesa Kerr Fiction
Onalaska Kucera Local / Regional History
My Psychic Search Kushner Non-fiction
Tale of Two Dogs, A Lenore Childrens Book
To All the Men I've Loved Before Lenore Poetry
Sunset on Nautilus Leone Memoir
Itty Bitty Birdie Lister Childrens Book
Indians, Mexicans and Buffalo Soldiers Mahan Local / Regional History
2nd Colorado Volunteers in the Civil War, The Mahan Local / Regional History
Digging for Bones Matte Poetry
Fort Apache Matte Poetry
Atomic Cocktail Party and Trivia Book, The Maxwell Humor / Cocktail Recipes / History
Titan Missile Museum Coloring Book Maxwell Childrens Coloring Book
Murder by Electrocution MacCollum Fiction
Our Lady of Absence Mc Euen Poetry
Drifting in Beauty McCutchen Poetry
Love Letter to My Children, A McIntyre Memoir
Well God, What Now? Meagher Memoir
Right and Wrong, A Useful Fiction Meyer Philosophy
Makeup Book, The Morris Self-help
Kip-Boy Pioneer of the American West Nord Young Adult Fiction
Murder 101 Nord Mystery
Observations Nord Poetry
Searcher, The Nord Mystery
To Kill a Bird Nord Mystery
Viewpoints Nord Short Story Collection
Visions Nord Short Story Collection
All That Is and All That Isn't Norquist Non-fiction
January 5th Ojeda Fiction
Dawn Lightfoot and the case of Moccasins and Old Papers Paul Young Adult Mystery
Kateri Cael and the Haunted Academy Paul Young Adult Mystery
Waterview Manor Paul Young Adult Mystery
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Irritable Bowel Penniston Technical and Professional
Life Goes On Pope Family History
Adobe Secrets Porter Short Story Collection
Eugene gifford Grace Porter Biography
Call Me Elmer Richards Fiction
Art of the Elegant Buffet, The Rifon Cookbook
Memoirs Ross Memoir
Corpse in Our Kucina, The Smith Fiction
Breath of Fresh Air, A Sneller Technical and Professional
Dying to Read Sneller Fiction
Misadventures of an Eccentric Scientist, The Sneller Fiction
Mold is a Four-Letter Word Sneller Fiction
Magical Powers of Lazlo Pearce, The Sneller Fiction
Time Zone Sneller Sci-fi
How to Slay the Worry Monster Sodomsky Technical and Professional
Between Two Rivers Spencer Fiction
Book of Sorts, A Stanfield Childrens Book
Mesa Star Eagle Fiction
Scorpion Stings, The Starkey Non-fiction
Inventor's War, The Suter Non-fiction
All Pretty and Bright Tauber Short Story Collection
Reaching for a New Leaf Tauber Short Story Collection
Forgive the Unforgivable Thrasher Self-help
Grand Canyon Hiking Adventures, South Rim Edition Tomasi Non-fiction
Out of God’s Closet Uhl Philosophy
What a Seed Needs to Know Van Nostrand Childrens Book
Brain in Balance Von Stieff Technical and Professional
Beyond Silence Wagner Poetry
Desert Mornings Walker Short Story Collection
Profile of a Batterer Weber Technical and Professional
Red Roses White Poetry
Paean to the Earth Williams Essays
Tales of My Southwest Williams Local / Regional History
Pancho Villa Williams Local / Regional History
More Tales of My Southwest Williams Local / Regional History
Patagonia: The Way it Was Wilson Local / Regional History
How to Talk and Actually Listen to Your Guardian Angel Wohlenhaus Non-fiction
Marble Wilderness Zeunert Fiction